The Dispensational answer to undispensational religious practices continued!
1. Christians should bless aprons and handkerchiefs and cure the sick by putting them on their bodies?
2. Christians should have visions and dream dreams?
3. Christians should not be injured by the poison of serpents?
4. Christians should speak with tongues and other Christians should be able to interpret?
5. Christians should have the gift of discerning the spirits?
6. Christians should cut off their offending hands and pluck out their offending eyes?
7. Christians should lend money to anyone who would borrow and not expect the return of the loan?
8. Christians should take a gift to the priest when they are healed?
9. Christians should have miraculous jail deliverances?
10. Christians receive no more forgiveness from God than others receive from the same Christians?
11. The meek shall inherit the earth?
12. Christians should do greater works then Christ did?