Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following:
To the Bodleian Library, Oxford, to the British Museum, London, to the Lambeth Palace Library, and to Cambridge University Library for information and copies of original manuscripts.
To the American Historical Society, New York, to the Folger Library, Washington, and to Yale University Library for the use of source materials.
To the library of Union Theological Seminary, New York, and to the rare book room of the New York Public Library, for valuable aid in research.
To Miss Margaret T. Hills of the American Bible Society, New York, for the loan of illustrative prints.
To the National Portrait Gallery, London, for the portrait of Bishop Bancroft.
To Dr. Frederick C. Grant of Union Theological Seminary for comment on the Bois notes.
To the Public Trustee for the Estate of Bernard Shaw, and to the Society of Authors, London, for permission to quote from the preface to Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God.
And to Wanda Willson Whitman, the friend who has been associated with this book from the very start. It was she who suggested the original idea, nourished it with her interest and encouragement, and, when the author was no longer here to complete his work, edited the manuscript with skill, integrity, and affection.