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Nothing to Pay continued: NO VALUE IS THERE IN A HUMAN PLAN!

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Pg. 33 Nothing to Pay continued: Why should a sinner think he can aid? Why should he pay what Christ has paid?

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As we continue with the poem " Nothing to pay" Pg. 33 God saves by grace without good deeds: Christ is ALL that the sinner needs!

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JC writes on pg. 33 continued: NOTHING TO PAY For God hath accepted the work of His Son; He saves guilty sinners by the work HE HAS DONE!

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JC writes on pg. 33 continued: NOTHING TO PAY Christ came from heaven to die on a tree; eternal life! God's gift is FREE!

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J.C.O'Hair says on pg. 33 continued: NOTHING TO PAY No human can keep God's Holy law; None can remove a single flaw. God's debtors we are...

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On Pg. 33 J.C.O'hare writes: NOTHING TO PAY Nothing to pay! yes this is true, there is nothing left for the sinner to do. Nothing to pay...

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On page 31 JC says and I quote " Let us keep in mind that the covenant given to Israel at Sinai was entirely new to Israel at that time...

Books that are not in your so called Christian Bookstore
On page 31 JC says and I quote " FROM ADAM TO MOSES WHEN THERE IS NO LAW. Second: We learn in Gal 3.8,Gal 3.16,17 and 19, that 430 years...

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On page 31 JC says and I quote " In fact Moses was 80 years old when God gave the law to Israel at Sinai. THEY LIVED WHEN THERE WAS NO LAW!"
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